Our challenge for Me and the Water members in June is to commit to me and the water time every day in June – and hopefully raise some funds for the RNLI, whose volunteer lifeboat crews are always ready to support us, if we need them.
So every day for 30 days, you will dip, splash, swim or wade in the open water, or even just visit your spot and spend a few moments watching the water.
Completing this challenge will be fun, tiring and hopefully transformative, and we hope it kick-starts your summer of swimming both indoors and outdoors!
Before you get started, you need to make some plans, and perhaps set some goals to tick off along the way to keep you motivated.
1. Know your nearby swim spots and how they are affected by weather
So you need to be in or near water every day. But the Irish weather is a nightmare to navigate. If you learn what weather conditions are best and worst for each of your swim spots, then you will be able to plan a few days in advance as to how you are going to get your Me and the Water time.
Check our out article on weather and waves for more info.
2. Pools are the ultimate back-up plan – when is yours open?
Indoor pools are not affected by weather. Even outdoor pools are hardly affected. So finding out where your local pool is, when it’s open, and how to book a swim is good info to have in the back pocket. Spending some time in the pool working on fitness or technique can ONLY improve your open water swimming, so make pool-time part of this month’s plan
3. Set some mini-goals with your 30 Days Of Water Challenge
‘If I can just swim every day this week, then I’ll be off to a great start’. Exactly! Smaller targets add up to bigger targets and make the bigger goals seem smaller. Maybe set yourself a target of swimming at least one mile in total each week, or treating yourself every Sunday to a new swim spot or a pastry breakfast on the beach, if you get your #30daysofwater dips in every other day.
4. Get your swim buddies to do #30daysofwater with you!
To be fair, this should have been our first point, because it is the most important tip! If you and your swim buddies are in 30 Days Of Water together, you will keep each other accountable, and motivate each other on those busy or grey days when squeezing in me and the water time is a struggle.
I am interested
Hi my name is Martin and I hoping to connect with a swimming group in garryvoe beech . I’m not the best swimmer in the world but I can tread water and very enthusiastic.
I got a wet suit last year but only used it a couple of times and hope to make better use of it this year . I used to run a lot and sadly now that’s not possible anymore. Any advice would be very welcome.
Jessica Lamb
Hi Martin! Thanks for sharing your story with us! We happen to have June Beginner Open Water sessions open for booking at Boat Strand Beach in Waterford and Ballyhass Lakes in Mallow, which are not too far from Garryvoe. We also have July/August sessions at Garryvoe that will open for booking in about two weeks. Details for Boatstrand | Details for Ballyhass